Dream Build Repeat Podcast with Casey Sharperson
Dream Build Repeat Podcast with Casey Sharperson
Belief and Manifestation to Create the Life of Your Dreams with Taylor Michele Bell
Learn the basics of faith, manifestation, and belief to create the life of your dreams. Taylor Michele Bell is an expert in teaching people how to incorporate belief in every area of their lives.
In this episode, we discuss how people of faith can and should be meditating and how that differs from new age philosophy. No topic was off-limits and we could have talked for HOURS.
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Website: https://www.createher.life/
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Email: Hello@CaseySharperson.com
spk_0: 0:00
Welcome to the June builder Pete Broadcast. My name is Casey, shoppers in the house and I'm incredibly excited to have a guest with me talking meditation, visualization of what that was like in the life of a believer. One of my passions and the reason that I started this podcast is so that I can inspire people in a quick people with the tools that they eat an orderto follow through with their dreams and their passions and the things I got placed inside of them. So today's guest is one of my friends, someone who I love and adore, and I'm gonna tell you more about how I know her. But first, I'm gonna give you the rent and I'm gonna tell you all the things about her, all the things in her fantastic bio because she is phenomenal. So today's guest is Taylor Michelle Bell. She's a mindset coach, women's empowerment expert and founder of Create Her, a movement that helps women manifest the woman that they were called to create an emerging voice in the meditation space. She designs fake based guided meditation journeys to help women connect to vision and purpose. Taylor also emerges also emerges Her passion for women's empowerment with her sees we executive administrative experience to help women designed profitable purpose German businesses. A graduate of Spelman College with a B A in comparative women's studies, Taylor hosts create her workshops, events and coaching programs. She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, with her hubby and her for babies. Welcome. Tell you where.
spk_1: 1:40
Thank you so much for having e. C. This is gonna be so fun because we are both firecrackers. So I'm just excited, Thio, how this plays out. I am honored to be here. I need you to share with all of the amazing women. I'm sure few Jets will happen. But I'm excited to be here to just share all that I know, and hopefully to be able to be stretched by some questions and learn more.
spk_0: 2:12
Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I'm honored that you're here too, because one I think you're the first person that I've ever met in real life who focuses on meditation, visualization and all of this mindfulness and all of that. And how that advice to a believer. So I'm really excited to have that conversation, and I put it out on social media and I got some comments back. I got a lot of questions, a lot of intrigue. So that'll be really interesting to see. Kind of where we go in that conversation. But what I love so much about you, Taylor, is that you know who you are. You are so solid and who God called you to be. And just seeing you may not have that in your life And you guiding other people along that journey is just so beautiful. So I'm just thrilled to have this conversation and incited to see where that takes it means you and thank you so much. I'm excited. Let's go. Would do it. All right. So I know that you mentioned that we're both by their crackers, so we're definitely gonna get Really? We're gonna have a full, like, a full blown conversation. We're going to go into the deep into the nitty gritty. But first I want to hear from you because from your bio and from what you put out on social media, you're always talking about create her. So what does this look like? How did you get started in this? Create her movement?
spk_1: 3:37
Well, that is a phenomenal much. Didn't Casey? Um so I have bad vision. One day I was standing outside with a former co worker. I'm a job I used to work at, um and we were talking of a parking. Glad, and I just kind of got a download. And I think a lot of believers get these downloads all the time and sometimes a woman, sometimes they don't Well, we'll come back to that download we were talking, and she's much older than me, old enough to be my mother. We were engaging in great dialogue, and I said, I just really see a space where women can show up as the woman that they are creating, They can create her. And I was thinking about create two more and create her, and I was just I'm gonna do it and it's gonna be on International Women's Day and it's gonna be phenomenal, and everyone is going to show up as the woman that they are manifesting. So once that vision begin to unfold, when I begin to plan, another layer was added and that was the vibration of the atmosphere, and I'm using these phrases and I come back to define him But what did that look like? What does it look like for women who are women of faith, more believers to show up as the woman that they caught the manifest before She's actually been able to come to her maturation? And I think a lot of times we fear walking in faint, living in faith. It's almost like I don't want to be too Sheridan and I don't want to think too highly of myself. No, that is wrong. That is the only way within brain those things in the spiritual ram into the natural, is it we believe them and move in the vibration of We're showing that you can trust us with the vision, but we're also showing a d'oh learning to deal with S O. That is where the meditation from I wanted to figure out how to trigger the atmosphere. So I think it's a developed meditation, and it just so happened to be that my husband is a music producer who's been a music producer for over 15 years. He's worked with a lot of amazing people. He's worked with Tian Tian, and he's worked with a lot of people, and I said, well, can take little old me. You're under your wing And it was a little difficult early on because we're husband and wife, right? And I'm like, No, he's like, you know what you're talking about. But we eventually came on the second frequency, developed nations together. So it's to help rewire. We shake the imagination vision of women of faith who are truly trying to create the lemon it they're called to be. And from then I started hosting journeys and yeah, the future is continuing. Tow boat.
spk_0: 6:44
I love this because to hear how you define where you came to this space, I think it's important for us to just even talk about the sensitivity that you have to have in order to receive a download. Right? So you said I believe that people received these all the time, but I would beg to differ that people are people are gonna hear. This would be like I've never had a download. What? How about how I get down low? Where did the download come from? How can I prepare for a down left?
spk_1: 7:18
That's good. So first of all, for those people who don't believe that they're getting downloads at first say, When was the last time you put yourself in a conversation or in a position to be inspired? Ah, lot of times you have to flow, syncopated in really dramatic blow the Holy Spirit for him to speak to you. And a lot of times we're consciously just not on his rhythm. It's not that he isn't inside of us. He isn't speaking to us. We just can't listen because what you're looking for is looking for you. So if you were looking for a way toe amplify and to take who you are outside of your body, your physical self, and to share with the world if you are looking to do that, then God is always there will be giving you pieces, little bit ofs visions, drippings ideas instead of planting these little seats to see which ones you're gonna take and move on. So I would have to beg to differ for all those people, I would have to say, When was the last time you put yourself in Science state? And if you are a believer, should be in a spirit inside iron on a daily basis. Hopefully, when you're doing your devotion those are listening to a sermon or listening to some worship. You're beginning to create an atmosphere that is ready to be in pregnant, that you're literally just watering the atmosphere around with the presence of God. And he's like, Okay, I'll give you see, it's a plane. It's something you'll linger on others. You know, you're supposed to move on, but they're all gonna require for you to shift out of the woman you are at that moment and be the woman that you are creating or the guy that you were created. It's required.
spk_0: 9:14
Yes, I love that. You gave examples to sew. An example of an inspire state means your devotional time. The time that you're spending it sounds like, ah, little bit separated from the norm. So I don't know. Maybe you could get inspired on Netflix. It's very possible, but I think what you described is like just taking some quiet moments or some moments kind of outside of the hustle and bustle of life. So that makes it easier to receive, because I know I'm I've been in like, crazy spaces where a 1,000,000 things were happening around me, and then I get a download. But I think most often it's when I have just set aside some time. Be like, all right, I'm gonna get out of the normal routine. I'm going to focus solely on myself, my future, my relationship with God and that's where for me, I usually get my moments where I say this is interesting idea and I don't know how many people I can verify that idea as a part of a download or seed. As you said and
spk_1: 10:21
just add, I mentioned the aspects of our faith. But these inspirational moments, Kenneth Carver, will. You're watching secular TV when you're going to a movie where you're going to a concert. It doesn't have look like anything super, spiritual or churchy. It could be in the context of you just living your daily, like going into the grocery store and being mesmerized by a new product and beginning toe flow. With that, we have to look for more things to be inspired by, but a lot of times it starts with gratitude. You have to be grateful for what's in front of you. Before you could be inside there to really move on what you're saying,
spk_0: 11:04
Be grateful of where you are right now. So you mean that even if I want to do things that I don't see right now and I'm focused on things that I haven't done yet, that I should just be grateful right now?
spk_1: 11:19
Yes, you should, because there's always something in the current moment, like just going into the way in which we process. Right? We have a conscious mind, and it lets us decide what we're going to focus. We're sitting in traffic, you pick, which is going to focus on you can have a focus on the track. They can't be president with the traffic, or you can already have some music playing or audio book plan that you're ready to dig inch. So how you shift and make decisions with the consciousness before you is going to determine what you're nor looks like when it comes to inspiration.
spk_0: 12:02
That's good. And one of the other things that stood out to you in coming up with this concept of create her is that you said you came up with the idea of God downloaded the idea and you took action and you just mentioned that you were going to come back to that. So I think one of the biggest thing that happens is that we get an idea. We get an inspiration and then for various reasons, we don't act on it. So I want you to kind of tackle that however you see fit. I have a lot of different ways that I could go with it. But what are your thoughts on on taking action? What's the importance of it? How did you do
spk_1: 12:39
it? Well, a lot of people and just going back to the fact that I'm a little bit of a women's studies nerd, right? So, like the woman behind the woman stole when I was working on my bachelor's degree and I had to do a lot of readings about the woman's voice, I think a lot of people soon that it's just all about problem in women grade and we don't know meant no. Ah, lot of what I was studying was the woman's voice, the woman's opinion, the woman's consciousness of different points in time. So if it during slavery, we turned into what the theme of office less because a lot of times history was written by the men in power. So we have learned to suppress our voice as women because throughout history it wasn't what was selected to be recorded. So a lot of this is not even a conscious decision. A lot of this is just within the mind set of generations of women, depending the whole family you come from and what professions they selected in their learning styles, which is something I want to get into later how they processed their significance and their importance. How they Ricky, where they belong in the world. A lot of that is going to determine whether or not you move on things or not. It starts with all of those places first. So understanding the significance. What? Brooke whiner, What a woman needs to understand about herself. If you do not understand that you are equal spiritually to mail, we are spirits before we have the issue. Genders of these sex is If you don't understand that you're equal, your voice matters, and they can use you just as much as he could use people who are not only of the opposite sex, but those who work out or or lower classes, highlighter or lower races, depending on the totem pole that you see in my own societies. You know, um, where you see yourself in the world is gonna determine how quickly because right now you have opportunity to talk to somebody who was willing to give you a check for an idea you didn't have one. L How quickly can you manifest an idea? How quickly can you trust that? So your trust and how you should be used in the world. How about the usual in the world is a direct reflection on how you'll probably talk to him your alone time. And that's an ouch moment. But I see it a lot with people. They don't realize that how they see themselves in the world, how willing they should be used and how willing that should use them right where there will lives. That's what they're willing to step out and do. And we have to renew our minds. We have to change the way you think about this. So I would say that elevating wherever you see yourself to being number one being the first in that the last great that is gonna be the start of a point review stepping out on any opportunity that comes over any idea that human,
spk_0: 16:06
Uh, that's so good. So you were saying how how we approach God is probably evidence in how we view ourselves and how we accept our voice in our place in society. So I don't think I've ever heard anybody talk about that in that way. So really, but the main thing is understanding who God created you to be. But when you know, as a spirit that you have rights and you are, you know, a royal priest Of all of these things I got declared over us, I think the society has so, like you said, suppressed us that we shrink back in so many areas that we don't even realize that we're living from a lower state or lower a lower station than God created us to be.
spk_1: 16:58
Yeah, and to be honest with you, because so many people are comfortable at a sturdy ram of belief, like a certain paradigm, a believe our institutions are only prepared to serve issue at that room. I wonder what would have if everyone who calls himself a woman of faith could take all the forms of what that mean and showed up everything around this when after shift, so that we could be the fullness of who we are. And a lot of what's missing is not mean. I'm doing my part. You're not doing your part. There's not enough camaraderie saying we can all do our part and and you believe that I would encourage you with your idea and you would encourage me with my You would move under idea quicker the fact that I was with someone who was twice my age. I don't think that was an accident. She loved the concept when I shared it with her and guess what she attended. And she has attended twat. And I think that that's amazing because she didn't look at me and say, What else? She's younger than me so she can create something like this. No, she took that moment. It became inspired to build and write her next book. So if we begin to tear down all of these labels race, class, gender, age and really just pursued the fullness of what we were, we could easily act on all of the amazing things that God wants us to do. I should be able to give and share more other people I don't even have to do on my own. I would have the capability of doing that. But we just haven't come to a place where that is our farm. So I hope that answers your question. I think e think I'm going beyond. But these are things that when you say dream build, repeat, like, what does that look like to me? This is what it looks like. I'm in a slow I'm in an environment where everyone's in a flow, We can continue to produce, produce produce. Without any of these labels, we can just move. And that's really how we're gonna establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. It's not gonna be based on the labels. It's gonna be based on the work and based on the spirit behind it.
spk_0: 19:20
Oh, that's good. You know, I feel like Taylor, you just speaking in ways that everything you say is waiting like everything has 15 meanings behind. Find it on, like if you can't a pack every single one that you say. I mean, I wish you could. I wish we had time but powerful. It's also powerful, but I also know that you have such wisdom, such wisdom from a really, truly beyond your years. So I think it's also interesting that God places you in space is to reach people of different stations and life age wise. But then also, this wisdom transcends raise gender class in all of that. And I love this. You have really removed all of these excuses. I call them excuses, even though they could be really honest, true reason. But you remove those to stay when you're walking in in the way that God designed you tow walk, then those things aren't really keep you, Balan, because there's always gonna be space for you. And there's always gonna be space for his ideas to come for if you're willing.
spk_1: 20:32
Yes, Casey, you beautifully summed that up. Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to convey. Thank you.
spk_0: 20:45
No, that wasn't my takeaway, but I'm like owning. I'm owning this takeaway right now. And so you also have mentioned some different words. Rights, um, different words that we hear a lot in society right now. We're starting to hear more off meditation, vibration, all of that. So before we define those in death, But why To find those I want you to talk about, um, the importance of meditation and what that looks like as many people. Believe it in the world versus what that looks like for a person of faith or a believer in Christ.
spk_1: 21:25
Well, that's good. So whether you are a person of faith or you are not, But chances are you have taken something. You are a human being on this earth. You are meditating when you look at the word melody and a Greek and energy group. And just so I stay on track, I'm just going to read out all of the different words that our associate it with. Meditate, um, more seek. Imagine mutter, roar, um, stock. A commune complained. Declare pray, Gregor. All of these words are in association with meditation. I think we all communicate. We all speak. So if you are speaking living human being, you are meditating. The powerful name about intentional meditation, which is when you are consciously setting I am going to meditate, is that there are so many different forms available. There's a lot out there toe offered to anyone who is interested in meditating and a lot of stuff out there isn't necessarily wrong. It's just not complete. Now, let me tell you why. If we search, you know my meditations and we're hearing someone talking about money is coming to me. Money is coming to me. What's incomplete about it is my lack of understanding where their intention is. When someone says that they are a person of bay with labels who they are, you're getting the intention behind the purpose that they're trying to convey with the message. We can read any book you can watch any movie but the intention behind its premises purpose is always gonna be the undertone vibration of it. And as a believer, the only complete association we should have with meditation is ensuring that we're doing it to elevate ourselves into what I have to say. The kingdom around It's a spiritual ram. So I'm a believer that by default should see to renew my mind right should give my soul to my mind, my whale and my emotions. I should give it to this well, and there's so many strictures that tell us to think what whatsoever could true pure. They're consistently reminding us to always be in a state of joy being a state of piece, just assistant Lee, reminding that's what our realm looks like. The King room isn't for your eyes to see is for you you're you and your spirit to experience. So the difference between the traditional meditation is that it may not have that complete coolness to it. While they may have some universal truths, correct threat because we still live by universal principles we still live in. This is natural world, so there may be some troops there. Some of those people may be in a different spiritual location,
spk_0: 25:02
and you may not want to join in all their
spk_1: 25:05
spiritual location because you decided to be a believer. So it's not that they're wrong. They're just in a different place. I'll put it that way, and I think that they eventually journey into the right place. That's my hope. Anyone who is interested in continuing to grow, I hope that I'll continue to put out meditations, work in full or call to the states will do it,
spk_0: 25:30
and they will eventually say, You
spk_1: 25:32
know what? It is something different about Taylor's meditations. Oh, she's a believer, right? So, um, I think those are the major difference is what spirit? What intention? What purpose is behind it? Because I'm thinking about money and a buttons. I know the word says about me being prosperous, right, and how that is going to do that. He's already provided everything before me. So my job is to go out and do what I'm called to do. But of course, believe they changed my mindset to see what so ever is good and perfect and true. And to know that he's gonna do it stayed only and abundantly above that. So I need to meditate on that. I need to speak on that. That ain't sitting on that. I need to close my eyes and listen to something that is going to take me into a world beyond what I can see. Because my attention, my purpose is to get everything that was promised for me into this natural work. I don't wantto dead. I don't want it here, So that has a major difference. If you ask me, it is of course, they're different religions. So then they had their own spirits. But they're different. There's a human spirit and dependent for what your mind and your will hear emotion are your creative meditation? I don't know. Here, my you're willing. Your emotions are hopefully if you say you're a believer, I should be familiar with the spirit. Right? And in general, we all have to be a little bit more discerning about whatever we choose to swallow. Whatever information is out there because the spirit that we attach ourselves to build from dream Bill be it's got put us in a frequency drinking a repeat crit ability we want Make sure that is one that is a fate if we believe or so I answered your question
spk_0: 27:29
so good, because as you're talking about it, right, meditation. And I love that you that you laid out some of the words some of the synonym, some of things that are associate ID because I wanted something I didn't know many of the words that were associated with meditation. So it makes me think about the things that I'm meditating on, maybe unintentionally so. I love music, right. So I noticed that there are certain things that I can listen Thio and it's gonna get deep into my spirit. And I'm gonna think about that thing before I go to bed when I wake up in the morning. If I'm going through something, I'm thinking about that song. And so if I'm able, Thio meditate on something or things that are Fermi, things that are empowering to me, things that are really going to put me in the mindset of the space that I want to be that to me sounds of MME. Or more important than meditating on things that we don't want to see in our life.
spk_1: 28:29
And this is what everything is with the items that we bring into our lives, like music, movies, conversations we have. But it also is well in our inner thoughts. What does turning off all of the essence alone in a room what shows up there? But it is a Iive in me there. What can I see within myself there? And I think a lot of people haven't done that in a long time. I don't think many people spends time alone alone and really know their inner thoughts. But you sure you were starting from, And if you realize that your inner thoughts I'll go back to I don't have enough money to pay my bills then not only should you be identifying scriptures, right? Because we know that the word is powerful. That's the most powerful meditation you could do is literally just well alone. It's a Scripture, but I'd like to bring them to life in a way that's more anaesthetic so that you're different types of learner's, which I said that I was gonna get into and their vision. Er's auditory learners, those two here reading, writing learners and then a kinesthetic learners who tend to be a little bit more hands on one. And our imagination is where we see and experience the world every day. You don't have to say you're imagining you are before you leave the house. You've already seen the car before. You get the car, you've already seeing the door. So your mind is consistently showing visuals. So the purpose of meditation in the context of what Bakri is to consistently take all the things we know to be true to the next level, so that we are not only experiencing them with our eyes, reading and writing, not just with our ears, but we're having the encounter with our entire hands. Oh, and moment, and that looks like that visualization and that we'll have even more, well, a go and build upon on the dream that we're getting and then repeat, repeat, repeat.
spk_0: 30:47
I love then I think it's my favorite is the absolute favorite. Well, can you talk a little bit more about how I'm how those different learning styles can affect your manifestation or your visualization? And I'm more of a kinesthetic learner? How can I incorporate meditation into my life? Or how can I incorporate this visualization according to my different learning styles?
spk_1: 31:18
That's good. OK, so I'll give. So going back Thio first visual learners, visualization so that hugely associate it with what should meditate on because again and to see things before you do them. And a lot of times before we decide what we want to create. We have to look at our chastity, too. Moved with a speed. Ah, LA People are moving very slowly, like a snail on on certain things because they have the vision and they may have dwelt on the vision, but they're filling all of the fear, and that goes back to the kinesthetic side of things. When you're doing something, whether you're a kinesthetic learner, or not? Um, a visual more hands on laudatory A. When it comes to moving, it is going to be harder for you because your chances are quite the student with the hand up running to the front of the class to do the administration. There were very few of us can ascetics moving. Okay, so a lot of times you have to identify where you are and paying attention. So what? Whether one that's that example. Visuals are here. They had a vision, but it's difficult for them to move right. Then they have to meditate on things that are going to give them the visuals of moving, like we know that there's a scripture that talked about the eagle soaring. So if you're reading that Scripture okay, I see yourself soaring in the vision right out the fullness of the vision. Talk, talk. It's speaking into your phone it Listen to yourself. I am wanna so war into this. There's so many ways that we can claim with the warder for ourselves, and you don't always have to use the word of that. It could be inspirational things because only people are addicted to inspiration, and they yet to move. And then there are those people who move on things who need to state that I get a clear vision and write it out. So it's amazing how the Airstreams weaknesses with everything because you could be moving on things and it's like they got Thio. Oh, really? He told you to do that? That that all in the same season. And now I look up here in the hospital because you're exhausted. I don't know if you're supposed to be moving that fast. You know what I mean? So what, you understand you're learning now? Then you better understand how Thio identify the areas that you are weaker, um, manifesting the areas a little weaker at, you know, moving forward with and put strategies around that. But meditation is important because again, it's not just this closure eyes full soft thing. It's you speaking it. It's you thinking it. It should changing the vibration of what you associate with it. So is the words money scare you. Your vibration is off. I need to fix it if the words marriage scare you because Mayor driving like I need to fix this if I wantto change what's attracted to me. So everything is layer to pull another. And obviously I don't have time to go to the deep teaching. But hopefully everyone who's listening can identify their learning style and then draw out a comparison to the vision and look at the other Learning 1000. Say, if all of these learners out our choir me requirement Excuse me for me to fully move on each be ableto read and write and see and move forward in this vision, Where are our witnesses looking? All of you to adjust them.
spk_0: 35:26
Oh, my gosh, Taylor. I mean, I just didn't listen to your teaching all day. And here's why. Besides you being so engaging, you break things down and you say, Okay, here's where you're starting. Here's the next level in here is we can go. But I have never thought about taking Scripture because I'm a Bible nerd like I love Scripture, but I have never visualized any of it, like and but then again, I'm also not incredibly. I don't want to say that I'm not visual. It's just probably not like Mike. I would write if I had to put my learning file in multiple multiple layers like I never would have thought to visualize myself, but I also never would have thought Thio, you know, get up it and put my arms out to soar like an eagle or to put mo movement or music Or sound like all of those different things to Scripture, but also what you want to see. So that was really interesting. And I would imagine working with kids, you know, they tell you, tell you all these different things do so it kind of cement so that you remember. But I don't know why we don't do this as adults. Like we forget we forgive.
spk_1: 36:45
But we're also encouraged not to be like a child, but everything here the morning of having a child like they most of the most famous people. I'm just don't tell your secret. I don't know all of the famous believer in the world, but I bet I bet I will put $100 on it. That when they alone at home, there are Children say that because it requires a certain level of faith. And if the Bible calls it childlike thing, you have to have so ready. But you have to have that creative explosion. Today we walk the dogs, and behind this was a Tyler who was outside of her stroke alert or history running around. And we went under a Berk rich first, and they're some of the colors on the wall, and the parents begin to say, What colors do you see? Yeah, red blue. And he's like, and his imagination is excited about colors, and we have learned to consciously ignore colors, picked a cappella wanna wear, and that's about it, right? Or select the cover for live or hair and neck. Genetic. That's all of our colors. We don't look and say, Wow, that's yellow because if you said that, when someone as an adult that may think you belong only locks. So that's how did that inspired state consistently staying in this childlike space so that when we meditate on our own and I was just giving some ideas on how to bring the word into our personal goals, but often times it's really paying attention to those worships off. Those are extremely important for meditation. I really like not only allowing for your sorrows, of course, we can cry out to the lower without really being empowered by in switching ourselves toe believe in a greater way. Like our mentor, Sands, Marcia and everything believe bigger while we doing every day to continue to remind this may well have a Christian is not expressed a cry out and just be sad for the remainder of the journey. He's a man, no bill comforter and help in time of trouble. Yeah, but he's still much more and and he can give you that use of energy. If it's a requirement for all believers, I believe that God, it's like it's a requirement for you are really going to do what I said. Jesus. And can you please move in the kingdom? Ram? Can you create miracle moments all the time? You bandit best all the time we're supposed to do so. I need to create an environment in my life that's conducive for that. And that's really what this is about, Casey. It's about what I could do to help serve people so that they can have an environment that's conducive growing in those areas where there last came faith where they don't have the food is a bad actively moving. It should be normal for Christians to be in peace, enjoy happiness. When all H e double hockey sticks are breaking loose, issue the normal. We should really be counting in all joy. We should really be crank. Okay? But somebody of us going back to the traditions of man going back to the labels I said earlier, We rather assimilate our faith to fit into the world. But I think we're being called to a level wild, crazy freedom that's going to brain more of the kingdom into the by kingdom come right into the earth and it's gonna bring more fruit for all of us to bear and for the world to see. So I'm excited about everyone growing in their meditation and growing in the way in which they move and create the things that they call today.
spk_0: 40:59
Yes, and what I want the listeners to experience is be the release to be free, to be open, to be happy, to be joyful, because we know that the world has so much stuff happening there. So much negativity. And it's almost as if people could make you feel bad for being happy for being carefree because there's so much in the world but it's like this is giving each and every person the ability to just say I'm gonna have joy in every situation and I want to enjoy my life. And I'm going to do this by experiencing colors by experiencing childlike faith by looking at the world through different lenses rather than the lens of politics in the lens of injustice and all of that, because again, we know that that's all happening. But if we're looking to manifest the person that God has inside of us the woman, the man it's inside of us, then we've got to do something a little bit different and we're probably gonna look different than most people. And that's okay, Yes, so that is okay. So, Taylor There were a few questions people wanted to ask you mostly, but I made China so one of the questions right. That's good. That's good. One of the questions that came in Ah was from somebody in Christian and his question because I said, Hey, what questions you have about visualization Purpose Manifestation Bay, And he asked, How do you accept that something you want may not be the right being for you? I know this is a little bit. I know kind of shifting away a little bit, but I think it's also I'm talking a lot about a line bit, which we haven't we touched on, I think. But we haven't really gotten into that. So what does alignment look like? What does it look like? Toe live according to what should be happening according to you, to your purpose in your life versus the decisions that you have the opportunity to make. So how do you expect that? How do you get into alignment?
spk_1: 43:25
I honestly wished we get, like, have a jump on because I'm interested. I'm curious to know what he's talking about. You know, um, my first thought waas couldn't be that you were not supposed to accept that this thing shouldn't being your life. And that's why it will go away. I don't know if he's thinking small minded about something that he really shouldn't have in his life or if he just needs to. Which would be My advice would be to focus on what you can have, because when you're my I'm just focused on accepting what you can't have, you are positioning yourself to remain in left, so my response to him would be okay. You know what you can, right? So let's focus. Got a vision of what you can have. That's how we would combat that. Or my question to him would be Isn't that you can have it? You're just too much right to create the proper discipline, the proper drive to move forward in a taking it. Are you living yourself? Because that again as Marcia Army tour with SAG bad A lot of times gives us to the desires of the heart of our hearts because he knows that those of the designers that we have, he's working in a lifetime with us. He's not gonna give me the desire to create a 1,000,000,000 meditations and not give me any gifts or access to do it. That would be in that one, sir. So that would answer the question too full for that person.
spk_0: 45:17
Oh, that's so good. No, that was amazing, because the way that you approached it, you said, Let's flip it on its head to say, Why are we focusing on the negative and look at the positive? How what's what's the good thing about this? Because we know that with with meditation, that means you're thinking about something consistently. So if you're consistently thinking, I can't have, I can't have, I can't have. You can't have. That's where your focus is versus saying OK, this opportunity didn't happen. I don't 100% know why, but that door is shut. What's what's my next thing? What's my focus gonna be on my focus on is on gratitude, which we talked about before. My focus is on what I have right now being joyful for what I have now and then choosing a new vision, aligning with something new and aligning with something different. Bill did vote that another question came in from Deirdre, and she said, How do you set up a process or routine for
spk_1: 46:23
meditation? No. So when I leave meditation journeys, I recently learned at the spring into your purpose God invented station journey. One of the things that I discussed was the importance of lead clearing your mind. And I don't mean emptying your mind. In the mindfulness movement, there's like this this message that says empty your mind. No, I mean Cliff there it out. So, like compartmentalized some of your thoughts so that you could be focused or receiving from what you are about to listen to. I think it's a process of schedule in time and clearing the concerns. Look here of the world. Whether that looks like, you know, given it's there or simply just saying I can't think about this right now so that you can be focused. And our generation is in a focus epidemic where we just lacking. So everyone is aging because you know this. So you have again. You've meditated well, and these frequencies are added in 20 different things to an hour period of your alone time. I want you to respond to a text. Okay? Now I'm gonna send a picture to someone. Now, I'm gonna add a picture to post it. Okay? Now, I'm gonna come up with a caption I'm going over to face because I'm going to watch this clip. Oh, now I'm going to read this food tutorial because I wanted a chicken like that. You know, little to these Popeye's and chick fil A videos. Okay, an hour's passed, and then you say what to meditate. Well, you have to practice getting your mind at that frequency so that you can move in a more powerful way when you're listening on something you really want to absorb. So I would say reconditioning yourself, looking at your lifestyle on saying I want to do a meditation, then I should probably not like we're all told before bed. You shouldn't be on your phone, I think an hour before, but who listens to the O. You know you have to create your own plan to kind of by them. But for me personally, that looks like worship. Worship just comes to me when I'm just like that. Your reverence, your buddy. I love you. That takes me out of myself So I can't focus on what I just looked at on Instagram or anything like that. And I kind of, um, kind of cheating. It's kind of a selfish for me cause I'm gonna go into meditation. Sorry, Mom, I love you. But that is what? That's why my walk. I can immediately just worship. But then again, Willamette to meditation worship is not just this act. It is also a lifestyle. So asking yourself the hard question is my soul, Billy being renewed as my mind really be ever Do you know, is my real really given the guy? Are my emotions really reflective of what? The kingdom on what? The words as love, peace, true happiness. You people see these things on me. Are they horrible for me? If you do that real assessment and you find that some of those areas are off, that could be another reason why you aren't able to meditate and manifest, which is getting the return on that time. A man so really like moving in that flow. Where here in their room. And that's like Alaska blessed with this because for faith, her belief in it, she knows it's her. She believes the service. So I'm gonna give it to give it to her. So just doing an assessment of all of those things, I should probably help her realize where it is. She needs to tweak some things or offer her some advice. What did you to kind of, you know, prepare herself for meditation?
spk_0: 50:30
No. Oh, these They're such good answers, such good answers. So there's one last question that I have for you, which is around how meditation and visualization has impacted your life. What what are some of the things. What are some of the fruit? What is some of the fruit that you have seen? Ah, friend, meditation and from visualization. And what have you learned from walking this journey?
spk_1: 50:59
So we'll sound with money because people like money e I love, um, two years ago, I worked. I wasn't an amazing position. A C suite executive and in position assisting a steel Oh, for a major major replace. And, um, I knew it was time for me to go. And from the outside, you would say, Why would anyone want to leave? This is the perfect place to start. I was in the position, started in that position at 23 so far ahead of the norm. Right? But I knew, based on the vision I had when I was called to build that I needed to stretch my faith to the next level. And I was gonna have toe water, sir. Oh, the decision to move because I again went back to the So I have given my meal to God s O. I knew If he's telling me to move in transition than I need to be obedient, it s so I moved in transitions. In a few days later, I secured a contract that was commiserate to my salary. And it wasn't right away. It took like, a month and 1/2 but it was committed to my salary practically on dhe. It was cool, right? Because my own our own business, taking all this expertise and consulting and doing this on my own. And then it looked like, need hosting a and women who are building their own visions and being able to then ask you Okay, what you want, Give me. Hey. So it looked like the manifest saying my salary's within three days, you know, like, that's what it looked like for me. But again, it wasn't this guy. You have to do it. I wasn't betting him. I'm like I'm a line with you. You know me. This is what I believe about who you are. And a lot of times, God wasn't trying to make us go through these journeys of black reviews germy confusion because he doesn't love us, or he just wants us to probate on him. Ah, lot of times the waiting on him looks like he wants us to catch up with his blow for our life, and a lot of people are not in flow. And of course, that the great and I don't believe he'll ever judge us. You just aren't ready to step into the next piece of your vision. So it's not him during anything. Ah, lot of times is you going to the journey to prepare yourself for the Nets? Because if that a $1,000,000 for that idea today, what would you do with it? But imagine six months of not having what you need it and being able to write out a plan and be able to Steve. All of that is just preparation. So what I love the most about that in the spirit because that the host Bert is literally guiding us. He's teaching us. He is the perfect teacher, he puts it. The situation's not for us to be upset, not for us to see them in the negative side of things, but he wants us to be able to realize the opportunity for growth. He's a capacity stretcher. That's him by that, and he's always looking to stretch my capacity as soon as I come from, but he's like, I don't shake right here for you. You know, I also s Oh, yes. So I would say that that is how you begin Thio, see, Maur meditation transpire into man if attention is literally being obedient during life transitions on. But it doesn't look like employment or money all the time. It is a look like entrepreneurship all the time. It could be the timeframe to end a relationship or the timeframe to mend your relationship. It could look like the time frame to begin to learn the material between the time brand where you need to master it because he wants to give you a platform to teach it. So it's like being in this flow. And that's why I love music. And that's why I love movement. Because this'd how God created the Earth, that he was literally hovering below right over us thinking about creating the world. So I think that we need to do a lot less critical thinking analysing which were so brewing doing. And we have to be a lot more like Children with the child like bait, which sometimes look like ignorance. It looks like I'm comfort. It looks like a mess. But if we can see the beacon of light within it. And as long as we remain consistent and showing up in our highest cells, if we are going through it, let me show up as if that is my piece. And it is if he is. My joy is if he has something exceedingly abundantly. Above all, if we could see your show up now just on Instagram, let's of Polish pictures, people. But showing up like that in your real life, I think you'll begin to see the meditation of you being an alignment was his wheel in alignment with making him look good. I used people that make it look so I think he's like, Okay, I can trust you with this. I cannot let this door for you and I believe that those listening and review with me I think that more doors are gonna be flying open. I just seen doors lying open because I think we are available to blow at this room. If you don't understand what I've been saying, just listen to a little Caribbean. But hopefully there's a pieces here that are gonna speak to every listener because I think it's so important for us to cultivate when our brain is focused on the fault said we have in our mind of the way in which we speak about it the way in which we move towards it. All of these things determine how we meditate and how we share who we are in the earth.
spk_0: 57:27
That is so powerful. So Taylor is teaching us things that she does in her real life that she has actually seen fruits and evidence for. I mean, how many people can faII there in an awesome position? They're ready to leave. That tells him, Believe they leave in their salaries replaced. I mean, come on, come on. But I think you're moving because your memory
spk_1: 57:59
with opportunities to with people with networks like God saying, go to this conference, Remember? With £1 track that I was in Chicago, my friend called me. She said she got tickets to this conference, a business conference, and I need to be there. It starts tomorrow. Really has been gone. The car drove back because I felt like there was an opportunity, and surely there what a sudden you said a syndicated judge talk show. And they're famous. Great platform. Great. Um, great foundation. And I had a consulting with her being her senior program director all because I left to pack up and showed up. So these moments happen all the time when you're ready to receive them. And so seasons. You just have to go into arrest. You go get me wrong moving and just lightning fire. But in the rest, in the walk with my dogs for two hours, me hearing that little boy in shadow at the colors brought Julie to me. And I want to have any people. Are that president I want to be. That president was I'm looking for joy. I'm looking for peace in heavy season of my life. So it's not just the fireworks movements. It's in mundane things that we have to learn how to meditate, you know, high. It sells to, and it's practice. And I'm not perfect. I'm a work in progress, but I want to be just like everyone listening a work in progress. Until we die, we're never gonna be there. But we can only decide every day we can only choose amputated move towards a lifestyle where we are dreaming that being inside that building doing the work
spk_0: 59:50
e You just incorporated the message just all throughout your mouth. Just powerful. But you were dropping Jim's this entire time. So what I want to encourage people to do because it get Taylor and Deep Young Taylor is d So this needs to be Listen, Thio not just once, like eating to put this back on, start from the top tomorrow and the day after. Like there's so much information in here that I want people thio to feel the relief toe. Listen to this again it and I think it's important for meditation even for you to hear things that are gonna build up your spirit. And I'm going to equip you for where you need to go, especially because if this information is resonating with you on a deep level, where you said like Oh my gosh, I can't breathe or oh, wow, there's somebody that speaking to the soul like the deep things within me. You gotta listen to this again and I think that we are in such a society where everything is quick, everything's fast. We checked the box. But this is a type of content that needs to be um, meditated on and they need to listen to it again and again.
spk_1: 1:1:06
I'm excited about listening because I'm certain when I said well Oh, I'm just flowing right, Casey, I'm starting up, soldier. The several times when we talk I'm like, hello has said to you because I was in the flow. And imagine if we all just picky in our own flow right out the ducal came in. What else is Flo? Whether that fellow is riding for some what if Whether that flow is visualization and arts with clothes, movement, dance, meditation, whatever look below is if only we could just get in a ramen with our own flow Listen to the voice that God has for us the way the Holy Spirit speaks to us, How he shows themselves us how who loves us based off of our own love languages. A lot of the times if we could only get into that flow how amazing would be we would be anomalies to everyone in the world. Christians wouldn't just be passing out pamphlets and talking about Jesus. In fact, people would have the wonder like you asked. So, what do you do? So who are you. I love you are No, You know, it's a lot. You know, we could learn howto packages and truly evangelized and be the kingdom I am. I'm excited to see what guy's gonna do. Possess changing things out
spk_0: 1:2:40
that way. And we want to hear what you took away. So people that are listening to this in the podcast, the that are gonna watch it online. On the replay, we want to hear what your takeaways are. And we want to know how this information has changed you and how it's changed. How you view life, your business, you're your career relationships, all of that. And so, Taylor, I want you to share with everyone how they can reach you. But most importantly, you've talked about, ah, spring into your purpose. You talked about the courses that you do so share how people can get plugged into those how they can register and how I can find you online.
spk_1: 1:3:26
Well, thank you, Casey. So my when of site is www dot cree ate her that life. So create her that life, and, um, my upcoming Germany will be in the whole. This'll be before you're in a robe and I'll do a fall into your purpose guided meditation journey so there will be a few meditations that are full famed, fall inspired. And then I am also an instructional, So there will be moments of journaling little moments of open dialogue, and I just incorporate. Sometimes I make people draw do art and it's all virtual. So that's what I'll be enlarging next in the fall. But you can stay connected with me by going to my Web site eight and signing up to be a Mikey medalist. And I have a plethora of other money Street or work with me, and I have one that ization on iTunes as well. So it's the creep ate her meditation. Uh, you can just search, create her meditation and maintain Lovell. And you find that and that is a beautiful daily meditation to get you in the mindset manifest in the woman that called being So Yeah, that typing stay connected Taylor show bill on insecurities. Well,
spk_0: 1:4:48
yes. Now I do have Thio edit and say that it is also on Spotify Creator is also one Spotify. I'm a Spotify user, so it's like I have an iPhone, but all of my playlists are already on Spotify, so it's just hard to make a transition, you know? So I just want to note that it's on there too.
spk_1: 1:5:10
Your music is so you should find it ever streaming surface. You can find the creator meditation.
spk_0: 1:5:17
I want that so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Taylor, this waas phenomenal And we talked for hours and I haven't heard any of this that we talked about today. So I think all of the conversations that we had I'm out here in lime in things like waiting for the replay so I can take No. And I am so honored that you came to share and inspire those there watching and listening. So I know that you probably have something else. Adds I want I want to give you one more chance. What do you want to leave the people with? What's something that you want to share as one last take away? Well,
spk_1: 1:6:02
she finished your little a little bit more about business because prior to this, I had a phone call with someone who is hosting a conference. Afraid I met. We were both serving at a nonprofit We were in power and teenage girls, and I met her there. We were part of the same session last year or earlier this year, and she contacted me and asked me to be a part of this conference that she was doing. And she just knew any Yukon emissions, like however, if you wanna be in it and the name of Yeah, honey, if that is the only thing he told me, I I want to be there because I am all for inspiring her confidence. Okay. And I love that because the more Maur that you become, who you are, while your lane may not be inspiration and motivation of empowerment towards women, you have your own brand. You have your own leg, the more and more you show up as what that looks like in the world before the secluded. You're not afraid to share where you belong. The industry, the places, the talents, that dish you have, these moments will be attracted to you. So I'm excited about that. But I'm also excited about creating a custom meditation for the conference that not be able to do so. I'm eager about that. But again, this wasn't anything I contacted her about and caller at a picture. And I do think that's important. If you are in business, please do. Listen to me. You do need to pitch. But at the end of the day, if you are in a lineman that is going to put you, he's gonna be able to trust that you're gonna be ready when he puts you all the harder off. Those who are building something that your gift is not only it welcomed but you're get is needed. So if Morris would show up, imagine what doors going back to the doors. Just open up. The doors are gonna open that the war. You meditate your speak one. If you don't have anyone but one person to talk about that business idea, schedule the time to talk to them every day because you need to get it out and you need to you need to you need to have a comment. You need to create it so that you can move into what it looks like that can actually sin opportunities towards you for you to fulfill it. So that's my last little business plugged by the end of the day. I'm excited. I'm excited about the doors that would open up for everyone who's like I need to be a little bit or intentional. I need to be a little bit more intentional about stretching the way that I am comprehending my current season the way that I am analyzing what's going on in my life. I think they had a little bit more chat, like they need to get lost in my imagination. And I hope that you will begin to do that before and I can't wait to see the fruit that's gotta come from it. Please let us know the fruit. So I'm talking tasty because we can't make this one of our three
spk_0: 1:9:20
way are. We love a three hour Oh call. So I appreciate it. I'm going to awake all of Taylor's information in in the show notes on the podcast, so that you can easily click in their visit our website. Join her list so that you can stay in contact with her on that, you can hear more wisdom. You should also follow her on my s. So I'm gonna drop it in boat in the show notes. But thank you all for listening to the dream build. Repeat podcast Again. My name is Casey Sharper. Sending you can find out more about me on Katie. Sharp person dot com. That information will also be down in the description. So thank you all for joining and for listening. Thank you, Taylor, for being so incredibly generous with your time and your wisdom and have a great day.
spk_1: 1:10:13
Thank you so much again, case. And we appreciate you for being able to move what you're called to do. Look at you. You created this platform, and now people could be inspired and moving their purpose. So thank you for your Yes, I
spk_0: 1:10:29
am a man. Thank you, Taylor, And let me so much by. All right.