Dream Build Repeat Podcast with Casey Sharperson

How to get in position for elevation

Casey Sharperson Season 1 Episode 12

There’s nothing like BEING in position for God to do what he wants to do in your life. But GETTING in position might require some discomfort, some shifting, and some changing. 

In this episode, we'll talk through what it looks like to get in position:

  1. Follow-through 
  2. Expansion through education 
  3. Belief in what's possible

Don't forget to tag me on social media with your biggest takeaways.

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Work with Casey: http://www.caseysharperson.com/work-with-me
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Hi. Welcome back to the dream Build. Repeat podcast. My name is Casey Sharp person, your host confidence cultivator, international speaker and brain strategist. Also the author of the new best selling book Dream Build Repeat Harness Fear to confidently pursue your biggest dreams. You know what I love? I love when you just get a revelation of something that has been nine at you. Have you ever had something where you know that it's been a struggle for you? You're trying to figure out why something has happened to you. Why is life so difficult? Why did the situation happen to me? And there was a situation. I feel like a serious of situations That happened to me recently, and I found myself trying to work it through in dropping certain hints about it. Let me clarify. I mean, that I would have conversations with people. I would say, Yeah, this season of life was really difficult for me, but I didn't quite have the language to articulate what specifically was difficult. I just know it was hard. I knew that I cried a lot. I knew that it was challenging, but I was having a hard time articulating the exact issue, the exact thing that I was feeling in going through and also why I had to go through it instead of talking in general terms, I'll give you a little bit more context here. As I mentioned, I'm the author of a new book, Dream Builder Pete. But what I will say in the process to birthing that book was a challenge. If you listened Thio Ah, few podcasts back. I kind of explained how difficult it was for me to the best of my ability. At that time, there was a lot of transition at that time in my life. There was a lot of I felt like resistance to completing the book resistance to publishing the book, and at that time that I was experiencing that resistance. I was also experiencing a lot of actual physical transition, meaning moving, meaning, shifting in the type of work that I was doing. So there was a lot of moving parts, and I hadn't quite articulated that I was having a difficult time with that process because I felt like it was unfair. If I'm honest, I just came to this realization as to why I was having a hard time. I felt like it was unfair because I said, Man, I'm finally doing this thing that has been on the back burner slash front, burner, slash back burner for such a long time. I know that this has to get done now, So why is this so difficult? I've been processing through this a lot for the past couple of days, had kept coming up, and I feel like it kept coming up because it was finally time for me to get the revelation that was needed. And the revelation was this. The revelation was that process was a growth process. That process was a growing season. What I think happens so often is that we think because we're doing a good work because we're doing if you're a person of faith, because we're doing what God said to do, we assume that it's going to be easy. We assume that it's going to be effortless. We assume that we're not going to face any type of resistance. I'm unclear as to why we assume that because that hasn't been evidenced by anything, really. But those air the assumptions and I made that assumption. I said, Hey, I'm finally being obedient to the call that's on my life for this season. This should be easy. And what I finally got language for was that resistance was a growth season for me. The problem is that so often we think, because we've gone through a growth season before that were done growing have ever been there where you've gone through a difficult growth season and you say, Oh, finally been there, done that, got the T shirt. That was hard. I faced a really difficult sickness. I came through that I faced a job loss. I came through that I faced a toxic situation. I came through that. So we have this mountaintop experience off completing, ah, journey, going through something difficult and coming out on the other side, and we think that that's all we're ever going to go through. But I want to challenge you with this thought that just because you're going through something difficult doesn't mean it's negative. It could just mean that you're growing and growth is uncomfortable. When you get a growth spurt physically in your body, you might get stretch marks. You might see the physical manifestation of your skin discoloring and stretching because you grew faster than your body was anticipating, and that's okay. We think that just because we've gone through something difficult or because we're experiencing something difficult, that it's something negative, that it's something that's going wrong, we think that resistance is evidence of going in the wrong position. But sometimes it's evidence of going in the right position. This concept came fully to fruition because I have a client that I was doing some work for just a few moments ago, actually, and I was writing up some content for them and this line came to me and it said there's nothing like being in position for God to do what he wants to do in your life. But getting in position might require discomfort, some shifting and some changing. This process isn't fun. Too often we stay in an outdated space because we know it, not even realizing that we've outgrown it. That place will silently choke out your dream because you're not in a growth mindset to visualize and dream for more. This thing shook me. I started writing it for someone else, but the message was for me. It brought everything back together, this concept of growth, this concept of getting in position and how, when you get in position, it requires a shift. It requires a shift forward, backwards to the right or to the left. It might require moving physical locations. It might require changing jobs. It might require asking for more money because you finally recognize your value in the marketplace. It might look like exiting some relationships that we're bringing you down and keeping you in that stuck place. It might require you to build new relationships and to reach out to people that she feel like might not be in your quote unquote caliber. None of that is comfortable. None of that is comfortable, and I know I kind of went in to a teaching before I really set it up. But I hope that you're following because there are three things that I believe getting in position looks like Actionable steps. Number one. Getting a position looks like follow through. Follow through for me getting in position. Waas following through on the book, finishing, taking that half done, Manny's grouped and taking it to completion, reaching out to the editors, reaching out to the designers and for me. I'll tell you this. When I got the confirmation, the 15,000 confirmation to complete the book, I said, I'm goingto have to reach out to the people they need to support me in this work. To pay for the service is in order to force me to get it done. Because I knew myself. I knew that I had had that manuscript half done for almost a year, about eight months, half done. I said the moment that I reached out to the editor and say, Hey, I need to have this book out by this date Let me know when you need to get the nanny script. And if I'm honest, I thought that my editor was going to give me a cop out and allow me to send my book chapter by chapter. But she hit me back real smooth and said, Hey, we can get it done. Let me know when you're full Manuscript is completed. What? I have to complete the minister before you look at it. But that was getting in position. Follow through so often were out of position because we refused to complete the assignment. We refuse to follow through on the idea on the concept on the business. On the conversation, we refused to send the email that someone requested of us. Someone was interested in what we had to offer, but we didn't follow up, didn't follow through. So getting in position might look like follow through. Number two. Getting in position could look like education, expansion of the mind, learning and growing. Sometimes we don't even know what to ask for because we've never seen it. We don't know what we need. All we know is there's an idea. There's there's a restlessness that's deep inside, but we don't have. We haven't been exposed to the tools to connect the dots, and that's what happens with education. The moment that you sit under the wisdom of someone who has been there, done that. The moment that you sit under the wisdom of an expert in a particular area, it will unlock something in your mind that someone could be teaching you on a completely different topic. But because your mind is open and your spirit is ready to receive, you get clarity on something that might not even be covered in that education. That's the power of reading That's the power of listening to podcasts. That's the power of investing and where you want to go and where you want to grow education, how you get into position in the third thing. His belief. The third thing is belief. This actually smacked me in the face today when I realized that there were some things that I had not manifested in my life because there was doubt surrounding it. You can't operate in faith and doubt at the same time. You can't operate in growth and resistance at the same time, meaning you are talking about moving forward. You have your foot on the gas, but then you also simultaneously have your foot on the brakes. That's like you saying, Oh, I really want to make X amount of money But I know it's not possible for me because they don't pay or because this company doesn't have any money. So in one side of your brain, you're saying, Yes, I want this. But on the what you're articulating is the complete opposite. So when you don't believe you have a double mind when you don't believe in your vision, you are now double minded and we know that a double minded person is confused and they will get nothing done. So there has to be a level of belief in what you want to see and what you plan on manifesting highly recommend that you go and listen to the manifestation podcast with Taylor More Chelle Belle. That was one my previous podcast, actually, one of my most popular podcast. Go back and listen to that about belief in manifestation. But the belief cannot coincide with doubt. So my question to you today is, what do you believing? What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe about your vision? What do you believe about your past? What do you believe about your future? When you're clear about those and you're having a true, honest, authentic conversation with yourself, you might find that there is a lot of doubt in the areas where you haven't seen the manifestation of what you want to see, and I know that this is a heavier topic. But I also know that it's a necessary topping because when you are in position, you will now be able to see the things that you want to see happen in your life. when you get in position, it's going to be uncomfortable because it's different. Temperature might be different. The environment is different, the people are different. But the difference is what causes you to grow. But then also to go higher toe elevate to move to a different realm of possibility because you're finally in a different space. So I encourage you thio get comfortable being uncomfortable while getting in position to be the person that you want to be to see the things that you want to see in your life. And I encourage you to follow through to expand your mind set through education and to believe that what you want truly is possible. I invite you to tag me on social media. I'm very easy to find. I'm the only Casey sharp person in the world, tabby on social media and let me know what your biggest takeaway waas or what your biggest takeaways were. Tell me what you are believing for. Tell me how you are getting in position to see the things that you want to see in your life. My inbox is always open on social can also find my email address on my website k c. Sharp person dot com. Feel free to send me a message there as well. Finally, if you know that you have a vision, but you are unclear about how to make it a profitable business you're unclear about. If it's a business at all, you are unclear about if it's a ministry at all, and you really want someone to support you with that work as a coach as a mentor, then reached out to me head on over to K. C. Sharp person dot com, click the higher button, and then we'll schedule a call to really talk through what your vision is. But regardless of whatever steps you take, whether its tagging me on social and let me know what your belief is, where you are in position where you're going, whether it's reaching out to me to just share Maura about your heart on you wanna have a conversation about what coaching looks like or he purchased and read Dream build? Repeat. Whatever that path is, I know that I am rooting for you and that I am truly believing that what you want to see well, come to pass if you get in position and put in the work. Thank you so much for joining me. And I can't wait to hear what your big takeaways Where? Bye.